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About KYVL

About the Kentucky Virtual Library

The Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) is a consortium of over 300 Kentucky libraries and institutions, including colleges and universities, public libraries, K12 schools, hospitals, the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA), and more. 

The primary services of KYVL are:

  • Databases - more than 60 core research and other educational databases, and support in their use, that serve learners across the education continuum.
  • Courier service - facilitating resource sharing among Kentucky's public and academic libraries.
  • Kentucky Digital Library - a platform for shared digital archives in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
  • Affordable Learning KY - a statewide partnership that promotes student success and fosters educational equity by supporting the adoption, adaptation, and creation of affordable and open educational resources in the Commonwealth and by sharing best open educational practices with Kentucky educators.

KYVL has served the Commonwealth since November 1999, and is a program of CPE, the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education.

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Accessing KYVL resources

KYVL resources are provided in partnership with participating Kentucky libraries, which include Kentucky schools, public libraries, college and universities, hospitals and more. Visit your participating library to use KYVL resources on site. Library staff can also provide a KYVL username and password for use of KYVL resources from home and elsewhere. Learn more about how to get a password below.

How to get a password

If you are away from your campus or library, you will be prompted to log in once you choose a resource. You may request a username and password at using your school, college, state government, or other qualifying email address.

If you do not have a qualifying email address, please contact your local library. KYVL usernames and passwords cannot be sent to an unverifiable email address and KYVL staff cannot give out login information to unverified users over the phone.

College and university users

Most Kentucky colleges and universities link to KYVL databases from their library web pages, enabling students, faculty and staff to log in off campus using campus email or other institutional login credentials.

To use KYVL resources directly from the KYVL website, request a password at using your college email address.

K12 students and teachers

Students and teachers in member schools and districts may request a username and password at using your school email address. You can also request a password from your library media specialist. KYVL resources can be used all year long, including over summer break.

Students in districts that do not participate may register as borrowers with their participating public library to obtain KYVL login credentials for use outside of school hours. Access to KYVL resources is not available on school networks for non-member districts.

In most Kentucky counties, school districts and public libraries both pay KYVL membership fees. This cost sharing is necessary to keep KYVL affordable for all members. If K12 districts do not elect to participate, their students do not have access to their public library's KYVL resources on school networks.

Hospital staff

Request a username and password at using an email account associated with a KYVL member hospital, or contact your hospital library staff.

Military personnel

Kentucky's military personnel and their families should contact the base library for a KYVL username and password.

State government employees

KYVL resources are available to Kentucky state government employees through the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA). Visit KDLA's State Government Employees pages for access to KYVL and other resources, or request a KYVL password at using a qualifying state government email address, such as, or

Public library users and other Kentuckians

Kentucky Virtual Library resources are available through participating Kentucky libraries. Contact your local member library for a password that allows access from home. Library contact information is available in the Kentucky Public Library Directory.

A note about LearningExpress Library

LearningExpress Library requires a personal login to access tests, test prep, and the other resources. Learn more at or Ask KYVL if you need assistance.

A note about K12 access

In most Kentucky counties, school districts and public libraries both pay KYVL membership fees. This cost sharing is necessary to keep KYVL affordable for all members. If K12 districts do not elect to participate, their students do not have access to their public library's KYVL resources on school networks.

Vision, Mission and Values


Knowing how to find, evaluate and use information improves quality of life. KYVL envisions a Commonwealth in which all Kentuckians have equitable access to the information they need and the tools to use it effectively.


KYVL's mission is to provide all Kentuckians a common foundation of high-quality resources, and support in their use, to enhance lifelong learning, working and living.


In pursuit of our vision and mission, KYVL is committed to:

  • Fostering collaborative communities and innovative partnerships to further our common vision;
  • Equity and sustainability of funding and distribution of resources;
  • Conscientious stewardship of resources and efficiency of operations;
  • Providing prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service in all interactions with our members, users and partners; and
  • Clear and timely communication on issues of interest to members and partners.
Kentucky Virtual Library
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education logo
A program of the Council on Postsecondary Education.
100 Airport Road, 2nd floor • Frankfort, KY 40601