LearningExpress Library tracks individual progress, so users must register individually to use the resources.
To register while connected to your library network:
If you are registering from home or anywhere else outside your library or institution network, register as a New User from the LearningExpress link on your library’s website. Missing this New User step may result in a registration error message.
Contact your library or Ask KYVL for assistance.
For future visits, simply sign in as a Returning User with your email address as your username and the password you created at registration.
Learn more at the links below.
We can also connect you with a LearningExpress trainer for a custom training. Email us at KYVL@ky.gov
Available 24/7
EBSCO provides MARC records for all LearningExpress content types -- tutorials, practice exams, flashcards, etc. To add these to your catalog, follow the steps at the link below. Contact KYVL to request the MARC Access Key required for download.
To create a unique URL to each center or module, see Creating direct links to EBSCO LearningExpress resources from your website, or contact KYVL to have the 11 direct links unique to your library and the auth token to download MARC records emailed to you.
The Mathematics Skills Improvement and English Language Skills Improvement categories in the Grades 4 - 8 Educator Resources Center and the High School Students Center are organized based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Students will find practice sets and tutorials aligned to the CCSS from 4th grade through high school.
Table can be pasted into a spreadsheet.
Each GED test-prep tutorial has been evaluated and officially certified by the GED Testing Service as fully content aligned to the official GED Test. That means that not only are the skills identified in the high impact indicators covered in the tutorials, so are all of the other GED indicators. The coverage chart below details each high impact indicator and where it is covered in our GED tutorials and GED Practice Tests.
Many of the resources in the GED Test Prep Center, Grades 4–8 Educator Resources Center, and the High School Students Center were developed and leveled to directly align to the CCSS, and the CCR Standards are the basis for the latest National Reporting System (NRS) Function Level Descriptors, so those resources can be very useful in adult education centers.
Alignment maps correlate the relevant reading, writing, and math practice sets, tutorials, and microlessons in LearningExpress Library to the EFLs.
The TABE 11/12 practice tests in the GED Test Prep Center can be used to recommend a preparation path for users based on their performance. If a user scores poorly in a particular topic, the TABE practice tests (called Skills Checks) recommend a targeted “pre-GED” level practice set in the “Build Your Basic Skills” category. The user, based on performance, is guided through the three different topic levels until hopefully, their skills are strong enough to begin preparing for the GED with our practice tests, tutorials, and eBooks. Each step of the program is detailed in the attached document.
All practice exams reflect the latest official test specifications. All resources are reviewed bi-annually to ensure accuracy and currency. When a test is identified as out of sync with latest official specifications, LearningExpress removes the test and updates it accordingly. Alerts are posted on respective topic and guidance pages during the update period. If a resource is deemed to still be valid for preparation, an alert is added to both the topic and guidance pages during the transition.
EBSCO LearningExpress regularly reviews their entire eBook library, to ensure that resources are current and accurate. The EBSCO LearningExpress team curates and maintains the eBook library as follows: