More than 1,300 titles with a focus on the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley region, the Upper South, and Appalachia. Browse the collection, then click the large Download button to access a title. DO NOT click Off-campus Download for UK only.
The University Press of Kentucky (UPK) has a dual mission-the publication of books of high scholarly merit in a variety of fields for a largely academic audience and the publication of books about the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley region, the Upper South, and Appalachia. The Press is the statewide mandated nonprofit scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, operated as an agency of the University of Kentucky and serving all state institutions of higher learning, plus five private colleges and Kentucky's two major historical societies.
KYVL has partnered with the University Press of Kentucky to make more than 1,300 titles in the collection freely available to KYVL members. Through the UPK Open Access Initiative (OAI), a long-term commitment makes UPK OAI resources freely available to the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Most UPK OAI titles have been in print five years or longer.
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