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About KDL

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Join KDL!

Like to give KDL a try? Complete the following tutorial:

Or follow the steps below.

Get an OCLC username

KDL is built on OCLC's CONTENTdm platform. Admin users must have an OCLC LDAP account to log in.

Join the KYVL Member Portal
  • Click here to request an account from KYVL.
  • Accounts are manually verified, so please allow time for processing.
Request a sandbox
  • Institutions considering participation in KDL may request a KDL sandbox collection by completing the KDL Sandbox Admin Login Request form. Sandbox collections remain unpublished until an institution becomes an official member of KDL.
  • Note: KYVL will work with your institution regarding the naming of your sandbox and other collections. If plan to eventually publish your sandbox collection as is, please let KYVL know at the time the collection is set up. A collection created with a URL that includes the alias "UniversitySandbox" cannot later be rewritten to a URL containing "UniversityCollection."
Complete a KDL Memorandum of Agreement

Ready to take the plunge? Have an authorized institutional representative complete the KDL Memorandum of Agreement. Instructions for submitting the signed agreement are included in the MOA

KDL Memorandum of Agreement (rev. 1.10.2020)

Grow your collections
  • Contact KYVL to have your sandbox published AND / OR
  • Submit an Add Collection request form each time you wish to add an institutional collection. Collections are unpublished upon creation. Contact KYVL any time you need to change a collection's publication status.
  • Download the CONTENTdm Project Client. Each institution that signs a KDL MOA may install one instance. Contact KYVL for the license code.
Join the KDL Member Council

Staff of KDL member institutions are invited to participate in the KDL Member Council, which meets electronically approximately three to four times each year for updates on the work of the KDL Work Group, for support and collaboration, and to prioritize member needs and concerns. Meetings are coordinated by KYVL and the KDL Work Group chair, and announced via the KDL News e-list.

Institutions considering participation in KDL are invited to take part in meetings of the member council; however, voting privileges are limited to one vote per KDL member institution.

For more information about joining the KDL News e-list, visit

Skill up!

  • Log in at using your WorldCat credentials.
  • Enter user name: Enter WorldCat username of the institutional administrator.
  • Under Collection Rights, select Specify Collections.
  • Assign rights to collections for the associated institution only.
  • Click Add.

About the Kentucky Digital Library

Kentucky Digital Library mission

Search the Kentucky Digital Library

The Kentucky Digital Library (KDL) is a collaborative initiative of the Kentucky Virtual Library and other Kentucky institutions, built to enhance scholarship, research and lifelong learning by providing access to shared digital archival collections in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

Visit KDL at

KentuckyDigitalLibrary KyDigitalLib

KDL governance

Visit the KDL Work Group page to learn more.

Participating institutions

Welcome aboard!

Cost of participating

Institutions with small collections can participate in the Kentucky Digital Library for free! KYVL covers the cost of the annual base subscription fee and provides 10 GB of collection storage to each participating institution.

After the first 10 GB, institutions contribute to the cost of collection storage at a rate of $100 per 10 GB unit for F22-23. Institutions also pay for optional services, including preservation storage and OCR extensions.

Billing notes

KDL member institutions are billed as follows:

  • KDL storage charges are billed annually on or about June 1 for the fiscal year that begins the following July 1. For KYVL database members, charges appear on the same invoice as annual database fees.
  • Costs are based on storage levels at the time of billing.
  • There is no charge for the first 10 GB. After the first 10 GB, storage is billed in 10 GB increments.
  • KYVL will issue mid-year invoices for institutions that have large increases in storage (more than 100 GB) between June 1 and January 1.
  • Costs for storage billed at mid year will be $50 per 10 GB units for which the institution was not already billed.
  • KYVL will work with member institutions and OCLC to coordinate payment for optional OCR & preservation charges.

Sharing Non-KDL collections

Institutions with non-KDL CONTENTdm collections can easily make that content discoverable in KDL by migrating content and or metadata to Kentucky Digital Library. Follow the steps below.

Migrate from another CONTENTdm instance
  • Have an authorized institutitonal representative complete a KDL MOA.
  • Complete the CONTENTdm to Kentucky Digital Library Request Form.
    • For confirmed KDL members, KYVL will forward the request to, copy to original requester, asking that the copying process be completed.
    • OCLC will notify institution and KYVL that the copying has been completed.
    • Upon receiving a list of migrated collections, KYVL will assign full rights to institutional administrator(s).
    • Institution will review the collections and update metadata in keeping with KDL requirements, including adding institution name from KDL controlled vocabulary.
    • Upon notification from the contributing institution, KYVL publish these collections.
  • Institution will work with OCLC to manage institution's original / existing subscription.
Point to other CONTENTdm instances
  • Have an authorized institutitonal representative complete a KDL MOA.
  • Create a metadata only collection within institutional CONTENTdm instance.
  • Complete the CONTENTdm to Kentucky Digital Library Request Form.
    • For confirmed KDL members, KYVL will forward the request to, copy to original requester, asking that the copying process be completed.
    • Upon receiving a list of migrated collections, KYVL will assign full rights to institutional administrator(s).
    • Institution will review the collections and update metadata in keeping with KDL requirements, including adding institution name from KDL controlled vocabulary.
    • Upon notification from the contributing institution, KYVL publish these collections.