Britannica School - HighThis link opens in a new windowMore sophisticated content to prepare high school students for college-level research. Features biographies, country content, and STEM and Social Studies content.
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Explora for High SchoolsThis link opens in a new windowExplora combines results from encyclopedias, magazines, biographies, and more. For students and educators.
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Gale in Context: Opposing ViewpointsThis link opens in a new windowFind contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Content includes viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites.
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TeenBookCloudThis link opens in a new windowTBC is a collection of videos and chapter books in categories which include: Ebooks (Shakespeare, poetry, non-fiction, science, history, geography, etc.), Read-Alongs, Graphic Novels, Videos (from National Geographic!), and Audio Books.
Academic/college-level journals, trade and professional magazines/journals
Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowScholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals; indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals; monographs, reports and conference proceedings
Alt-Press WatchThis link opens in a new windowThe database features over 670,000 articles from more than 230 publications, offering a wide range of unfettered, critical coverage of the news. All of these varied alternative and independent presses are presented in 100% full text, allowing researchers total access to regional, rural, and metropolitan perspectives on local, national, and international issues.
Britannica Academic EditionThis link opens in a new windowCombines Encyclopdia Britannica and Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, plus magazines and periodicals, an atlas, biographies, e-books, and other tools.
Career & Technical EducationThis link opens in a new windowMore than 500 full text titles on vocational and technical topics, including: computing science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, and photography.
Newspaper SourceThis link opens in a new windowCover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers plus television and radio news transcripts from major networks.
Test prep and skills building
Admissions Test PreparationThis link opens in a new windowPractice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks to help prepare for AP, SAT, ACT and TOEFL exams, as well as college essay writing practice.
Career PreparationThis link opens in a new windowPrepare for a career exam, explore occupations, and improve workplace skills here.
Computer Skills CenterThis link opens in a new windowVideo courses are the fastest and easiest way to learn how to use a computer. Use the materials in this center to learn the basics of computers, from searching the Internet to using popular programs for word processing, creating spreadsheets and databases, implementing design, and more.
GED® Test Prep CenterThis link opens in a new windowEarning a high school equivalency credential can open the door to better income, a more fulfilling job, and a college education. If you are preparing for the GED test, these practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks will help you reach your goal.
Job & Career AcceleratorThis link opens in a new windowJob & Career Accelerator provides tools and resources for resume and cover letter writing, as well as easy job search and application steps.
Other resources
MAS Ultra - School EditionThis link opens in a new windowFull-text reference database of 456 popular magazines and 160 e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health plus thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
NoveListThis link opens in a new windowNovelist is an electronic readers' advisory resource that assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. In includes 90,000 full text reviews, over 36,000 subject headings and a complete spectrum of searching options, including searching by title, by author or simply by describing pertinent plot details.
TOPICsearchThis link opens in a new windowDatabase of 90,000 full-text articles from diverse sources to explore current events, social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics frequently discussed in the classroom.