Britannica School - Early ElementaryThis link opens in a new windowBritannica early elementary encyclopedia provides preK-2 students with images, video and short text.
Britannica School - ElementaryThis link opens in a new windowThousands of curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, editor-recommended websites.
Explora for Elementary SchoolsThis link opens in a new windowExplora combines results from encyclopedias, magazines, biographies, and more. For students and educators.
Middle Search PlusThis link opens in a new windowFull-text database providing 175 popular middle school magazines and 380 reference e-books covering subjects such as history, current events, science and sports plus thousands of primary source documents and videos.
Primary SearchThis link opens in a new windowFull-text database including full text for 54 of the most popular children's magazines and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.
Britannica FundamentalsThis link opens in a new windowBritannica Fundamentals, an early learning product for students in grade levels kindergarten through second grade. Formerly the Learning Zone, the updated platform will improve utilization of Britannica School by providing content designed and written specifically for early learners.
eBook K-8 CollectionThis link opens in a new windowEbooks covering topics such as agriculture, American history, anthropology, education, geography, history of the Americas, language, leisure, literature, recreation, science and technology.
Grades 4-8 Educator ResourcesThis link opens in a new windowElementary and middle school teachers: Supplement classroom instruction with curriculum-aligned materials in math, reading, writing and social studies.
NoveListThis link opens in a new windowNovelist is an electronic readers' advisory resource that assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. In includes 90,000 full text reviews, over 36,000 subject headings and a complete spectrum of searching options, including searching by title, by author or simply by describing pertinent plot details.
TumbleBookLibraryThis link opens in a new windowK-6 children's ebook database.