If your school or district is a KYVL member, you should be able to access all KYVL databases by clinking on the links contained in this Subject Guide, or by visiting the KYVL web site.
All KYVL members are assigned a username and password to use when accessing the databases from home.
You may obtain your KYVL login by:
1. Contacting your school librarian or library staff member; or,
2. Requesting a login directly from KYVL by filling out the form the Submit a Question form.
Unfortunately, public K-12 school districts that are not KYVL members will be unable to access KYVL databases from school. Please see the access from home information below.
Educators working for a non-member school or district may still use KYVL databases at home as a patron of their local public library. Please call or visit your public library to obtain a KYVL login.
All public K-12 districts and most independent K-12 schools may opt-in to KYVL at any time. KYVL charges each participating district/school a small membership fee, which is actually a contribution towards the costs of the KYVL database contracts. For more information on how to become a member, please contact Ilona Burdette, KYVL's Director.
Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals; indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals; monographs, reports and conference proceedings
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
Research database for teachers with indexing and abstracts for more than 230 peer-reviewed journals.
Novelist is an electronic readers' advisory resource that assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. In includes 90,000 full text reviews, over 36,000 subject headings and a complete spectrum of searching options, including searching by title, by author or simply by describing pertinent plot details.
Indexing and abstracting for hundreds of key journals, books and research reports for library and information science studies.
Full-text database for psychologists, counselors, researchers and students providing 470 full-text psychology journals, including many indexed in APA PsycInfo.
Full-text database including full text for 54 of the most popular children's magazines and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids.
Explora combines results from encyclopedias, magazines, biographies, and more. For students and educators.
Age-appropriate features start building key research skills. Photos, videos, diagrams, and maps help students learn to compare text and multimedia resources as they collect their evidence. "Chunked" text helps young patrons focus on content.
Thousands of curriculum-relevant articles, images, videos, audio clips, primary sources, maps, editor-recommended websites.
Full-text reference database of 456 popular magazines and 160 e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health plus thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
Full-text database providing 175 popular middle school magazines and 380 reference e-books covering subjects such as history, current events, science and sports plus thousands of primary source documents and videos.
Explora combines results from encyclopedias, magazines, biographies, and more. For students and educators.
Full-text reference database of 456 popular magazines and 160 e-books covering many subjects, including history, science and health plus thousands of full-text primary source documents and videos from the Associated Press.
Explora combines results from encyclopedias, magazines, biographies, and more. For students and educators.
LearningExpress Library features online tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks to help patrons of all ages. It offers job search and workplace skills improvement, skill building in reading, writing, math, and basic science, career certification and licensure exam prep, college and grad school entrance test prep, GED® test prep, and more.
More than 500 full text titles on vocational and technical topics, including: computing science, healthcare, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design, and photography.
Scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals; indexing and abstracts for more than 12,500 journals; monographs, reports and conference proceedings
Combines Encyclopdia Britannica and Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus, plus magazines and periodicals, an atlas, biographies, e-books, and other tools.
Full text for more than 2,300 journals covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics