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Teach Britannica, free companion to KYVL resources from Britannica Education

by Enid Wohlstein on 2025-02-28T07:30:00-05:00 in *Blog vendors: Britannica, K12, K12: High, K12: Middle, K12: Primary | 0 Comments


Britannica Education has launched a free new website with materials to bridge the gap between the classroom and using our Britannica resources.

KYVL subscribes to the following databases and the free Teach Britannica has corresponding mini lessons, graphics organizers and more, print and download ready to use.

Britannica School - for K12, 4 levels

Britannica Escolar - elem/middle Spanish language

Britannica Moderna - high/college Spanish language

Britannica Academic - for college 

Britannica Library - for public libraries, levels for PreK-2, older children, YA, adults

If your website is missing links for any of the Britannica databases, please get in touch with us.  We can provide the links for your library or school district.

You choose your database on the Teach Britannica website.  [We have the resources outlined in black, as listed above.]

The download and print ready materials available are divided into four groups and leveled:

Lesson Minis - ideas, key vocabulary, authentic learning extensions, activities with length of time for each, materials and resources, implementation, differentiation and variation, collaborative teaching

Instruction Strategies - K12 levels, materials and handouts, procedures, differentiation and variation

Graphic Organizers - K12 grade levels, print ready, downloadable

Academic Toolkits - college level, toolkits and graphic organizers for Britannica Academic

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