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Committees and Work Groups

Other work groups - inactive

Authentication Work Group

The group met in F18-19 to conduct an environmental scan of authentication options and trends and evaluate pros and cons of likely options for KYVL and its members. The group reported on its findings at the 2019 Joint Session.

Marketing Workgroup

The Marketing Workgroup is charged with advising the Kentucky Virtual Library in evaluating and recommending databases for acquisition for and use by KYVL constituents.

Resource Sharing Workgroup

The Resource Sharing Workgroup is charged with advising the Kentucky Virtual Library about resource sharing issues and assists in the planning, implementation and evaluation of KYVL's current and future statewide resource sharing services.

Training Workgroup

The Training Workgroup is charged with creating a plan for KYVL training, including scheduling and delivery, that will increase the number of trainers available and will include a variety of customized and targeted training options in different venues to meet the needs of specific audiences.

Kentucky Virtual Library
Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education logo
A program of the Council on Postsecondary Education.
100 Airport Road, 2nd floor • Frankfort, KY 40601