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Blog post from NoveList on finding diverse and #OwnVoices titles

~[394]~ Enid Wohlstein ~[395]~ 2020-02-20T09:18:00-05:00 ~[408]~ *Blog vendors: NoveList, K12 | 0 ~[396]~

Kids love seeing themselves in the stories they read.  Did you know NoveList has a variety of appeal terms you can use to search for book recommendations to meet your students’ needs?  

NoveList makes book recommendations.  You will still need to look to your school or public library to check out the books.  [NoveList is an index of titles but not the books themselves.]  Or look at TeenBookCloud to see if the titles are there [which is digital books to be read online].

You can find NoveList at Kentucky Virtual Library’s website.  Use the appeal term and then narrow your audience to the age range you need.

Away from school, you will need to log in. Use your school email address to request the ID and password for KYVL.org.

Here’s just a handful of some of the appeal terms you can use, from the NoveList librarians.  Check out the blog post from the NoveList librarians

Our Diversity appeals, which appear on titles at all age levels, are a good place to start. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Culturally diverse: These books may feature characters from racial and ethnic minorities living in the United States, Europe, Canada, or Australia, as well as characters from non-white cultural groups living in other parts of the world.
  • Religiously diverse: These characters follow or have a background in a religion other than Christianity.  While their active level of involvement in the religion may vary, the character’s religious beliefs are an important element in the story.
  • LGBTQIA diverse: Identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, or just questioning, these characters are not stereotypes and are important to the story (even if in a secondary role).
  • Ability diverse: These characters live with physical, mental, or emotional conditions that can often be challenging.”



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