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Select resources for Middle School from KYVL

by Enid Wohlstein on 2025-02-12T08:00:00-05:00 in *Blog subjects: *Database updates, *Blog vendors: Britannica, *Blog vendors: EBSCO, *Blog vendors: Gale, *Blog vendors: TeenBookCloud, Current Events & Issues, K12: Middle, Multi-disciplinary, Pro/Con Viewpoints | 0 Comments

Today we’re focusing on information sources for middle grades.  We have a variety of resources but let’s just focus on a handful.  We have encyclopedias, ebooks, magazine and news articles and more.  Pro/con articles, biographies, maps, primary sources!

Britannica School for Middle

Britannica School Middle 

Public library companion:  Britannica Library for Young Adults

Britannica Library Young Adult

*  Encyclopedia articles, videos, images, biographies, country comparisons and atlas, primary sources
*  Varying text complexity between levels 2 and 3 [2 is middle school level]
*  Text to speech and translations
*  Includes citations
*  Use images and video in school assignments
*  Clever, Google Classroom integration


Explora for Middle

  Explora for Middle Schools
*  Mix of encyclopedia articles, news, magazine articles, biographies, ebooks, academic journals, AP news videos, primary sources
*  Includes citations
*  Clever, Google Classroom, Google Drive, and OneDrive integration
*  Link directly to articles, ebooks, etc.


EBSCO K-8 eBooks Collection

  EBSCO eBooks K-8 Collection
*  Fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry, graphic novels
*  Over 15,000 titles
*  Read online or checkout titles for 3 months
*  Clever integration, share via Google Drive or Classroom, OneDrive
*  Includes citations, direct linking to titles
*  No limits on simultaneous access


Gale in Context:  Opposing Viewpoints

  Gale in Context Opposing Viewpoints
*  For middle, high and college levels - filtering by level
*  Nearly 500 topic pages including the National Debate Topics, trending and controversial issues
*  Includes news, magazines, academic journals, encyclopedia articles, opinion pieces, infographics, charts, video and images
*  Direct linking to articles, etc.
*  Highlight articles and make annotations in real-time and export the notes
*  Includes citations
*  Clever, OneDrive, Google Drive & Classroom integration



*  Middle and high school titles
*  Fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry, graphic novels, AP English titles, classics, audio books
*  2300+ titles with direct links to titles
*  Read online
*  No limits on simultaneous access
*  Clever-friendly
*  App available, contact KYVL for your district/public library login

Any of these databases can be added to your school district website, in a Google Classroom, Canvas class management, or a public library website.  Contact KYVL for the permalinks/URLs.

And of course, if you ever need help, let us know.



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