As the end of the 2020 Strategic Plan approached, the KYVL Leadership Team adopted a strategy of a three-year rolling plan, with changes to be introduced at the annual Joint Session. Organizational vision, mission and values of the 2023 plan remain consistent with the 2020 plan, as do the focus areas of Resources and Resource Sharing; Information Literacy; Member Services; and Sustainability. Iterative changes have been introduced within the focus areas.
The Kentucky Virtual Library’s Strategic Plan sets forth KYVL’s vision, mission and values, outlines KYVL’s strategy for bringing information resources and information literacy to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and undertakes to position KYVL for a sustainable future. As a living document, the rolling three-year plan is subject to ongoing review and revision by KYVL’s Leadership Team.
Knowing how to find, evaluate and use information improves quality of life. KYVL envisions a Commonwealth in which all Kentuckians have equitable access to the information they need and the tools to use it effectively.
KYVL's mission is to provide all Kentuckians a common foundation of high-quality resources, and support in their use, to enhance lifelong learning, working and living.
In pursuit of our vision and mission, KYVL is committed to:
1. Provide high-quality resources that serve the information needs of Kentuckians.
2. Facilitate resource sharing among Kentucky libraries.
3. Promote a high level of information literacy among Kentuckians.
4. Maintain clear and timely communication with members.
5. Provide an excellent user experience with KYVL.
6. Maintain internal operational excellence.
7. Operate strategically and sustainably.
8. Strengthen and grow the KYVL user community.
In early 2017, the KYVL Leadership Team reviewed, simplified and updated the strategic plan. After a comment period, the plan was approved by the Leadership Team in July, 2017.
The Kentucky Virtual Library’s 2020 Strategic Plan sets forth KYVL’s vision, mission and values, outlines KYVL’s strategy for bringing information resources and information literacy to the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and undertakes to position KYVL for a sustainable future. As a living document, the plan is subject to ongoing review and periodic revision by KYVL’s Leadership Team.
Knowing how to find, evaluate and use information improves quality of life. KYVL envisions a Commonwealth in which all Kentuckians have equitable access to the information they need and the tools to use it effectively.
KYVL's mission is to provide all Kentuckians a common foundation of high-quality resources, and support in their use, to enhance lifelong learning, working and living.
In pursuit of our vision and mission, KYVL is committed to:
1. Provide access to high-quality resources that serve the information needs of Kentuckians.
2. Facilitate resource sharing among Kentucky libraries.
3. Promote a high level of information literacy among Kentuckians.
4. Provide competent, friendly, professional staff at appropriate levels.
5. Maintain clear and timely communication with members.
6. Provide low-barrier access to KYVL resources and services.
7. Strengthen and grow the KYVL user community.
8. Increase awareness of KYVL's value to all Kentuckians.
9. Operate under a financially sustainable model.
Revised 12.16.2016
The mission of KYVL is to provide all Kentuckians with equitable access to library resources and to a common foundation of quality online information for lifelong learning, working and living.
Core Values
Equitable Access
We believe that all Kentuckians should have access to quality information regardless of economic status, geographic location or educational level or attainment.
Lifelong Learning
We believe knowing how to find, evaluate, and use information contributes to lifelong learning and improves the quality of life for all Kentuckians.
We are committed to working together to share resources and knowledge.
We are committed to maximizing the use of resources.
We are committed to high quality services delivered with integrity, accountability and transparency.